Friday, January 7, 2011


I have a terrible habit. It's a mixture of procrasition and laziness. See, I always wait till the last minute to do something, and then, if it gets too hard, I just give up. I have a pile of unfinished projects calling my name. The thing is, most of them are so simple. It would probably only take an hour or two to complete them.
Complete them I shall! My (crafty) new year's resolution is to complete my unfinished projects! Which, coincidentally, goes hand in hand with our new year's resolution to save money, seeing as how I won't be buying new supplies any time soon. Yes and Yes!
Ready to see the pile?

 This one is a dress pattern I borrowed from a lady in my ward in July. (oh, I'm so embarrassed to even admit that). I was making it for K for her 4th bday, but when I got to this point, I realized it was more like a size 7. It will likely fit my oldest girl. Maybe her Easter dress?
Either way, I've got to finish it and give the pattern back to my friend. Hopefully she hasn't missed it too much!
 The green shirt I bought to use the fabric to embellish another shirt. It will be so cute, once it gets done.
The pink plaid is a hideous mistake of me trying to figure out how to attach sleeves to an elastic thread dress. I think I'll just remove the sleeve completely. Or maybe cut off all the stuff I've sewn and start anew with just the fabric.
 These are some ruffle bottom onesies that I planned to give my sister-in-law for Christmas. She's expecting a little girl next month. Maybe I'll get them done in time for the baby shower? (Sorry Tina!)

 A sweater dress I started working on last year. It was before I learned how to gather, so it looks kind of funky. I'll probably have to unpick the seam and start again.

 This is the most embarrassing one of all because it would literally take me 2 minutes to make the repairs on these. Missing button, split seam. Easy stuff I've been putting off.

 This is my 3 month supply inventory poster. I went to all the work to plan out 3 months of menus, tally up the food required, even take a gander to see what I already had.... yet the poster remains unfinished and we've probably eaten all the food by now.

This is a great little sideboard I bought off craigslist for $25. I need to repaint it to match our decor, but I really love the functionality of the thing. It is going to be a fabulous home for craft supplies and never-used kitchen items!

How long do you think it will take me to get these things done? Another year? I hope not! Part of my reason for posting this is to give me some accountability to you so that I finish them up.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?


  1. Laurie,
    I can't wait for the cute little onesies!! I love that you are so crafty!

  2. It is a great resolution. Good luck.
