Friday, January 1, 2010

My One Little Word

I was inspired by Callie at Make It Do. She talks about choosing one little word as your theme for the year. This makes so much sense to me, in a way that setting New Year's Resolutions like losing 15 pounds, does not. Pick one word that epitomizes what you hope to do, be, achieve in the next year. Let that word guide you throughout the year, let it influence your attitude and decisions, let it become part of who you are. I love the idea.

My one little word for 2010 is Rejoice. There is much in life to be grateful for, yet I spend an unnecessary amount of time feeling underappreciated, mistreated, or just plain grouchy. I choose to change that aspect of my life, to become a more joyful and positive person. I choose to Rejoice.

I Rejoice in my family. They are not perfect. They make more messes than I can comprehend. They whine, cry, fight, pout, etc. But they are MINE and I love them. The children are at such a special place in life right now. Childhood is a magical time, and it needs to be treated as such. I need to find joy in my daughters' games of pretend and endless questions. I need to rejoice in the stage we are in right now.

I Rejoice in my husband. He is so kind and good to me. He puts my needs and the needs of our family ahead of his own in every way. He does all the "man" jobs around the house, takes care of the girls, trains the puppy, and even does the dishes. He is the best!

I Rejoice in the Gospel. How lucky I am to know I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and hears my prayers. How lucky I am to have a Savior who has atoned for my sins and felt my every pain. How lucky I am to have been sealed in the temple and have the promise of eternal family. How lucky I am for prophets to guide us in these latter days.

I Rejoice in my home, city, country, and the freedoms I enjoy. I Rejoice in yummy food and cozy beds. I Rejoice in friendships that have lasted years, and for friendships that are just beginning. I Rejoice in my wonderful parents and extended family/in-laws. I Rejoice in education, creativity, and hard work.

Rejoice! In the words of President Hinckley "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured."


  1. Love this! Thanks for the wonderful idea!!

  2. We do this too Laurie. We usually have a word and a saying. The kids love it and try to use the word and the saying throughout the day. What a great idea. Oh and if you want to know our word for 2010 is "ENJOY" and our saying is, "The Best is Yet To Be!"

  3. That is a beautiful word for the year!!
