Sunday, January 23, 2011


As a mother, I often find myself more concerned about my "To Do" list than about my "To Be" list. If I were the mother I would like to be, I would be more aware of the Moments that are presented to me each day. The way K wraps her arms around my head and squeezes till my eyes go blurry. The way E follows me around all day long, mimicking the way I apply mascara or load the dishwasher. The way A delights in sharing new things with me-- knock knock jokes, facts about penguins, or when Dr. Seuss's birthday is. These Moments are precious and they are fleeting. But they are not few. If I were more fully aware, I could see and cherish these Moments every day. I could live, fully engaged and alive-- immersed in the lives of my children, who are my greatest joy. It is my goal.

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